Thursday, May 19, 2011

Iceland Fashion Part Two: Elin Ey

I've said it before, and I'll say it again my Darlings, I heart Iceland! So much so that tonight we bring you part two of our three part Iceland Street Fashion series. Yippee! Meet the talented, stylish, beautiful and oh so cool Icelandic singer/ songwriter Elin Ey!

It was our last night in Iceland and I really shouldn't have been that surprised. This magical island holds infinite opportunities for falling backwards into the most awe-inspiring situations. Heck, we'd been doing it all trip long, witnessing boiling hot water shooting up from the earth to the sky (Geysers!); cascading waterfalls in the countryside and black sand beaches along the coast; volcanic ash floating through the air of Reykjavik, shrouding it like smog over Toronto. But still, after following our travel friends to an open mike night at club Jacobsen on a complete whim I sat there listening to Elin singing and thought, Damn this is so cool.

And Kiddos, so is that outfit! Elin was so gracious, chatting with us after her set about her music and her outfit. Turns out she was a few weeks away from taking her songs state- side with a trip to New York and California. I'm sure she was a big hit there too, since it takes special coolness to pull off a metallic jacket with purple pants and suspenders... and this looks rad, major respect! Check out the beautiful video for her song Soulslot ( bonus: see if you can spot something familiar at the 2 minute 13 second mark) and in true Iceland style, she will not disappoint! Elin said that she was glad she had dressed up that night and I'm forever glad that we showed up! Thanks Elin!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


With a 24 hour sun I guess you and the Beckster weren't on 'the dark side of the road'. You sure were in Dylan country, though--circa 1965. I love your work.
