Monday, March 21, 2011

Iceland Fashion Part One: La Lopapeysa

My Lovelies, It’s been too long! We’ve been on hiatus here at DYF, but like the spring I couldn’t stay away forever. And as of today we’re both back, Happy Spring!

In a thrilling deviation, today I bring you the first of three Icelandic street fashion posts! Say What? You read right. This past June my Bestie and I took off across the Atlantic to the magical island of Iceland, after dreaming of it for about the past decade. Baby-Dolls, it did not disappoint! Traveling through the countryside was like moving through a dreamscape where one moment you are in the English countryside and the next you’re on the surface of the Moon. *Sigh*.

The tiny capital of Reykjavik was a dream of the fashion variety. The people were stunningly beautiful (think: descendant from Vikings) and their outfits were out -of -hand cool (take me back). It must be in the water because everyone looked rad.

This mother and daughter stole my heart with their beautifully layered ensembles in dreamy shades of gray. Our communication wasn’t 100%, but when I pulled out my camera and said “fashion blog” we were speakin’ the same language. The youngster wears an Icelandic Lopapeysa, a traditional wool sweater seen on women, children and men. I’ve been loving life in my Lopapeysa, but alas (and with luck) soon Toronto will be far too hot for such things… any moment now...


Jamie said...


It's nice to have DYF back on my flat screen.

Your mother and daughter combo is a classic. And they look nice, too...

Did you learn how to say the name of that volcano?

Hugs, etc


Juliana Neufeld said...

dang. love the skinny jeans and the layered dress.